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Cruise Planning Sheet


Departure Date

8 April 2023

Return Date

10 April 2023

Lead Boat


Martin Male

Sheerness HW


Arrive HW


VHF CH 16 + CH 6 for Cruise: Medway VTS (74) Bradwell Marina (37/80),Tollesbury  Marina & Heybridge Lock (80),  Brightlingsea (68), West MerseaYC  launch (37)

Destination WPT

Destination WPT: 

PHM N of creek entrance marks Obstn.

Useful Links
Passage Notes

NOTES: The passage to Brightlingsea, West Mersea, Bradwell or Tollesbury is essentially the same. The  passage should be timed to reach the SwinSpitway near LW with the north going (falling) tide from the Medway  then take the rising tide to the destination. Slower craft might wish to anchor overnight at Stangate Creek or pick  up a buoy at Queenborough (where charges may apply).  

  • Take the falling tide from the Medway to the Blacktail Spit Buoy. 

  • Shape a course along the edge of the Maplin Sands to the end of the Crouch. 

  • Shape a course towards the SwinSpitway Buoy.Check your draft will allow you to traverse the shallow  spitway as there is 1.5 meters currently charted here at chart datum. 

  • Head straight to Wallet Buoy 1NM. From Wallet Buoy shape a course approx NW through the deeper  water (avoiding shallows to N and S) towards theColne Bar Buoy.  

  • For Brightlingsea follow the buoyed channel in a NNW direction. 

  • For West Mersea or shape a course from the Clone Bar Buoy  to the Nass Beacon, then take the buoyed channel for West Mersea. The entrance toWoodrolfe Creek leading to Tollesburyis via a buoyed channel about 0.5NM SW of the Nass Beacon. 

  • Sheerness to Brightlingsea 28 NM, West Mersea/Tollesbury/Bradwell approx. 33 NM. Heybridge 41 NM.

  • Bradwell Creek is accessed by a channel marked with withies and buoys. When entering the creek, just  west of the redundant training wall for Bradwell Power Station, leave the North Cardinal Beacon to  starboard.

  • Heybridge Basin can only be entered from -1 to HW. Check with the lock keeper Paul Hindley 07712  079764 

  • For the return, take the last of the ebb tide to the SwinSpitwayand the rising tide back to the Medway

Additional Information


Each skipper is responsible for his/her craft, making sure they and the vessel are capable of making the trip, calculating their own speed, checking the marine weather forecast before and during passage, observing all relevant rules including ColRegs and taking into account any other relevant factors not listed. 

Upnor Sailing Club accepts no liability for any inaccuracies in the above or any consequences arising from them.

© 2024 Upnor Sailing Club

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